I'll start off with the mold experiment... The forgotten mold experiment. After checking it and deciding to abandon ship, I must have removed it from my mind completely. This has been a week of reorganization... Trying to find harmony and balance to soothe the stress and hectic schedule that seems to come hand-in-hand with this semester. Upon clearing out the basement, I rediscovered the mold. So for those weirdos (myself included) that were anxiously awaiting the results, there you go. ick. right?
I think, no matter the damage to my gpa this semester... the ONE thing I will have learned is to cut strings. I'm not talking about my spider webs. I'm talking about the projects, commitments, obligations, and ideas we tie ourselves to. This week I have cut so many strings. In my mind it's like the movie Up (which most things come to me in the form of cartoons these days, as if my children are slowly planting seeds and conditioning my mind).
I want need to stay grounded and focused... too many string pulling me up or in opposing directions is self defeating. So this week I dropped a class and cancelled a trip to Florida. The amount of weight this lifted forced me to recognize that I was stressing myself out to the point of paralysis. A mental paralysis. I had so much going on in my head that even when I devoted the time to my studio, I wasn't completely there- mind, body, and spirit.
Long story made short.... Hoping for a jump in productivity. There's too many ideas that I need to act on. I think there is selfishness, and we view it as a heartless trait... but there also exists a healthy selfishness. This is my time to get done what I need done, what I need to complete to grow my soul.
And to further grow my soul... meet the laziest studio assistant ever! Lola <3 nbsp="nbsp">3>
She LOVES being in the basement and keeps me company. I have been able to get a lot more work done with this lil o' lady around.
Last night I got a last round of spiderlings finished. Today I am using a garbage bag full of plastic grocery bags as the base to mold my lambs' wool over for the spider egg. I am using masking tape to form the shape, then coating the wool with liquid adhesive to pinnate it to the mold. I'll go back through with the darker wool and a needle for some detail and line work.
I plan on installing this early Tuesday morning in the space lab to give me plenty of time to weave a bit of a web and attach the spiders to it.
Lola thinks it's going to pan out. I put my trust in Lola.
Inspiring, Katy. Keep it up!