Monday, March 25, 2013

Move'n Right Along..

Rebeka and I hollowed out our mama dog.   Reassembling the tail right here.  We have a lot of surface work and detail to do this week. 

much further along now.

We recently bought the kids a 30 gallon fish tank.  The lights, noise, water, and fish have been very therapeutic for Milo.  He just stands and stares and talks with them for an hour at a time.  Parker named her spotted fish Star.  Milo's has the outside eyes, his name is Pine Cone.  Ben named our black fish Wilbur (after all the pets I named Wilbur when I was a kid... rabbit, hermit crab, hamster, duck, etc haha)

Left to right, then bottom:  Wilbur, Pine Cone, and Star. 

Milo's been snagging some of Parker's dresses haha.  He won't wear them out of the house, though.  Parker loves having someone to play dress up with.  She lets him wear her favorites. 

Twirling almost always has to happen. 

Paint has been saving us this weekend.  Both kids are getting bored in this weather.  Milo is especially redirected, he'll paint for hours.  Currently our whole garage floor is used as a drying station for all their works.   Moo taught Parker how to mix colors, and both of them worked on different brush styles - all self directed.   

Working on a new piece.  Much much further along now.  I'll have to post more this week. 

This is based on the conversations Parker has been starting with me about the co-existance of good and evil and the possibility of reincarnation or recycling of energy.   Where her mind travels is a very deep place.  I've never met such a small child with such an old soul. 

My goal for this week is to finish the background, skull, and borders.   Detail work is going to happen, along with the lamb's face. 

Emily already helped me complete the body and make corrections. 


I've fixed the eye and repositioned the nose and mouth.  Updated shots soon. 

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