Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Only Constant is Change

I've been trying not to rush this next set of pieces that I am planning.  Instead I have been surrounding myself with art and hobbies that I love.   Just letting myself wander freely.

I didn't have a New Year's resolution, but "Work hard, and relax well" might be my motto this year.  That and "live well".  Working at a health food store is fueling my interest in holistic health and food as medicine.  I have a far way to go, but I'm excited about gaining more knowledge this year.  That knowledge is going to help me stay well and feel well.  There will be a lot of changes for the kids this year, too. 

Ben and I rang in the New Year with friends playing music and making art.  I think it was the perfect first step into a new cycle. 

Peeves being too lazy to get too curious.

Jobless Lo' enjoying retirement to the extreme... Daily.

Our sculpture met and an unexpected environmental factor...  the berries from the tree above.   Milo thought it was blood.  

We recently uninstalled.  I'm excited about our next idea. 

We chose to leave the babies in the mother's pelvis intact and on the womb/pillow.  I took the wood base home to dry and to be prepped for a drawing. 

Rebeka was telling me a story about a passerby that called the museum concerned that one of the statues at the top of the building had fallen off.   The cracking of the sculpture made people think it split from a long fall.

Last check...  

The end. 

I also had my birthday recently.  Me and a handful of friends went to my favorite authentic Mexican restaurant.  The kids had a blast.   I think this was my favorite birthday so far.  Parker made me a "vision book" full of her drawings.  She told me to carry it with me at school when I am missing her.  Ben wrote and recorded a song about/for me.  I went to my favorite antique store with my mother and ate at one of my favorite restaurants and of course they had peppers and pasta and apricot tea as the specials.  Mom bought me this huge industrial strength shelving unit for my artwork and supplies.  My dad and his wife took me out to NABC Bank Street and sent me flowers to my work on Friday.  

My birthday gift to myself was a bible on reflexology.  Holly hand made a lavender salt scrub for me, and she bought me a bottle of champagne.  

School started and the classes seemed to jump in rather quickly.  I started on a drawing involving my biological parents and myself.  I'm using these vintage photos of them, both around the age I am now.  

I also started on a piece involving Parker, and another self-portrait. 

I was following Parker around for poses, and she was busy debating rather effectively against her nap time.   She's been a handful lately with her intensity and analytical questions. 

And of course Milo has been following her around like a lil tick.  Outside of being in different studios at school, they don't venture very far from one another. 

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful images. can't wait to see what you have in store this semester!
