Thursday, December 13, 2012

Surprised? No... Just Sick of Not Being Surprised...

CNN... how is this an amazing sports moment?!   These dogs are golden as long as they're winning... when they lose (like Lo' who was injured on the track, then beaten out of frustration until a bystander came to her rescue), they are beaten, at times the polar opposite of humanly euthanized (yes cases of putting bags over their heads in storage units and letting them starve to death, or 3,000 greyhounds who were shot * because 100 bucks a vet-kill is too expensive when you have 100's of dogs going through the system... and not killed, but thrown over into a ditch to die....)  How can we ever use the word "sport" with animals who don't consent???   who are you if you get pleasure from this?

    Living in the Derby City, I know... I'm probably out-numbered... but that lavish hat looks so tremendously outrageously splendid on you & "oh how jealous the neighbors will be when they see you have box seats.." ...  and it boosts the local economy yeah?   wow...  $$$$ over life... a thriving theme these days. 

I think how we choose to treat animals shows a very honest reflection on how we choose to deal with all life, even our fellow humans....  I'm no better than you, I just started to challenge my own thinking.  That's the first step.

When I was part of Lo's rescue I thought I was adopting a dog 2-3 yrs younger...   I didn't know she'd be a senior citizen with corpse breath from her decomposing teeth (due to mal-nutrition from birth to 2 yrs due to her track-to-cage to track-to-cage life where they fed her just the right food to give her stamina for the track but not for the quality of her life).  

But here she is, and she is wonderful and emotionally connected and soulful in every action (more than I could hope from most human companions).  She cuddles with my cat and mother-hens my children even tucking them in one-by-one each night.  She pulls me with no reward from my dark places and pushes me through another day.

Damn it...  I adore her, despite the fact she's used up and tossed around home from home.   How exactly do you think any of these dogs exist beyond their winnings?   Did you think that far?

My only regret is that I don't have room for more.   When I think of the "sport", I understand it's human nature...  But if you think of it... So is playing in our own feces and banging our fists on our chest in aggression.   I'd like to think the majority of us are more evolved, but maybe I'm just a dreamer. 

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