Friday, November 30, 2012

Racing Nocturnes

racing nocturnes.  

I am obsessed with the soul causalities of  kin-folk.  We are all emotionally mutilated to some extent or another.  Breeding forces us from birth to be a part of limiting dynamics.   We can find ourselves at constant discomfort freeing our identity from our beginnings and accepting our genetic infrastructure all within the same moment.  We cut some strings, while others we weave a bit tighter.

Parallel to this exists our involuntary inherit spirit.  Call it natural instinct, call it sin.  This restless feral energy simmers until it  boils over onto the calm façade we manicure and groom so methodically.   We force illusions of its dormancy onto our perceptions, though this fauna…. will always hold fast with a steady pulse. 

I find a heavy gravitational pull to these inner conflicts within us all.  The hidden far unconscious corners of our minds can navigate us through these conflicts, but we try to-no-end to elude them.    We’ve fashioned for ourselves a great many distractions in forms of false control over the incontrollable roots of our inner workings.  

I feel that dreams release us from our crafted distortions and allow us to have a moment of honesty…  A very layered moment that is both intimately and individually tailored to it’s dreamer.   This to me has always been sacred, incapable of being fully shared, and therefore the only part of you that is truly yours.

Thanks to everyone who came out and who helped me during this whole process.  Special thanks to Ian Shelly who pushed me past my self defeatist attitude and made me push my talents, and to Emily Sheehan who was so patient with me and who brought her endless knowledge and love for experimentation with media and anatomy into my life.  Also thanks to my honest and complex friends- Ben, Ariel, Holly, Rebeka, etc who help me travel into their worlds, and to Rebeka for being such an important part of my growth this semester.  Excited to get involved with more of the staff at IUS and proud to be in such a solid program.   I feel that I can really push myself to the places I want to go thanks to the amazing students and staff here. 

*steps off soap box* 


  1. i'm so very proud of you, girl! your show was amahazing! annnnnd, i am so very excited to be working with you... it's been a mutually beneficial relationship for sure. I am so blessed to have you as a friend and co-creator!

  2. so glad our paths crossed, I say that... but I don't know how they couldn't have. :)
