Biggest news first!
ZOE ALLISON IS HERE! My lil middle-name-sake has come into the world surprisingly early! My sister went out to eat with all the boys and her husband when all of a sudden contractions started coming every 20 minutes. I had my phone off (it died, as it always does due to my neglect). So I wake up this morning, checked facebook, and boo! there is Zoe! What a healthy lil lady with those adorable cheeks! I get to go see her in a few hours and plan on my heart completely dissolving.
She looks a lot like my sister when she was a baby... But she's definitely already Daddy's lil girl as my brother-in-law is already as smitten as it gets :)
I dragged everything that wasn't already in the living room upstairs to show Emily my progress. She came over and stayed quite a while helping me work through my ideas on how to wrap up my pieces. I think this week is going to be more relaxed and enjoyable than I thought. I got a lot of work done last night and plan on a late night tonight, but mostly this weekend I've spent more one-on-one time (or maybe one-on-two time) with the kiddos and tried to clear my head of anxieties.
Ben helped me figure out what I wanted to do with my Granny's old weaving frame (she made it in highschool... she's my great grandmother). I have my other two tiles at school in the display case, so I'll have to snag those.
Decided to add some Parker touches to tease her a bit.
For both of these pieces (this one and the one before) I want to use stain and watered down paints to finish- same colors I've been using in the drawings.
Birds got some forms.
I have been looking for a black iron clothing iron with no luck. So the rabbits will be playing aroudn the domestic ironing board. This ironing board is sooo old, one of my favorite finds. Here is the vintage fur and leather I'm using for the ears. Tall bunny got legs last night, bless his legless heart.
Popes looking washed out, but getting super close to finished!
Close to finished dream panoramic... with the popes creepily looking through the mirror.
Ben's Gemini coming together. Just need some shading, a bit of color, and heavy line work.
oh dear... this one has been a struggle. It's on the bottom of an old drawer. Lots to do with staining the bones (going to be a bird figure behind the boy) and fixing the young child/figure. I think with the size and simplicity it won't take long.
I have a clear vision of what needs to happen, but it's hard because I'm reaching a spot where I'm over the work I've done. Where I need to go next is becoming clear, and I'm getting antsy to start on some new pieces soon! I hope to take ceramics next semester and a figure drawing class. I think the figure class will really push me to some beautiful places.
Ben and I got out all my work from my first drawing class. whoa. In just a lil over a year I've travelled a very long way! It just makes me wonder where I'll be in 6 more months... a year, etc. I definitely recommend taking that trip down memory lane to remind yourself that the work and devotion pays off. Most of all, it'll keep paying off.
Last night I did some tricky work on the legs to my largest rabbit figure. I'll be wrapping that up tonight. Each piece is already hollow and starting to dry. They have been drying so fast! Excited to get them fired this week *fingers crossed*.
I had a set back with work due to Parker's health this week. She had been sick off and on for about a month. As soon as she seemed better, I'd get an email from her teacher that she wasn't eating and seemed lifeless. Then it came to a head as she had a bit of an asthma attack. Of course we had no clue what was going on, just that she couldn't breathe well and was listless. An urgent care trip later and we got our answer. She does have asthma. Poor baby. She's doing well now, especially since we know what we're dealing with. & I am proud of her for learning to listen to her own body, as I found her sitting out of playtime at school and she explained to me "I needed to rest my breathing".
At last (after 6 yrs) she's letting me fix her hair! She made Ben take a photo of the braid so she could inspect it haha. Excited to try different braids with her. I never had hair long enough to braid, so this might take some research and trial and error.
& the kids and I started "Traughberscouts"... aka we're making a craft project every week and having snacks and talking about what's important to us that week (instead of doing a pledge). We made this holiday wreath out of scrap fabric I had and one strand of grape vine.