I had such an unbelievable weekend at the 25th IU Women and Gender Studies Conference in Bloomington. Rebeka and I presented our documentation of our Renascence. Steph rode with us to present her research, and we got to meet up with her friend, Danielle.
It's been such a journey for me to trust women. This trip was such a profound reminder of how far I've come. Steph, Danielle, and Rebeka are phenomenal souls- endlessly loving and supportive.
Over two years ago, I found myself opening the windows of my soul to very undeserving eyes. The hardest part of all the damage it caused was the heavy fact it was my own fault. So I think the journey to trust again really happened internally as I learned to trust myself and my judgements of character.
"Undeserving" people aren't below you, because you could be them in a heartbeat. Keep that in mind. They just don't fit where you're headed. The knowledge and courage to let go is the only thing that's going to free your hands to grab onto that rope and pull yourself, transcend.
In the past, I think not allowing myself to just 'be' was equivalent to setting out rotting food for the flies. I was allowing myself to break down and the stench was far too appetizing. In retrospect, I've discovered that you have to continually grow yourself in every beautiful direction you naturally travel. You have to celebrate the simple things about yourself and nurture your cravings and curiosities.
Damn you're a good one, a keeper. Everyone is. Just allow it, daily.
The people you'll cross paths with will have far more to offer, inspire, challenge. They grow. They nurture. You don't have to painstakingly seek them. They will find you. You've brought yourself to the right place.
Back to the Women and Gender Studies Conference...
Here's Steph giving presenting her research.
Walking in the misty rain all night with my lady.
We ate at the Owlery.
Oh scissor safety... We didn't have a corkscrew, so I brilliantly decided to open it with scissors... which worked for half the cork. Then I decided to push in the rest of the cork, which sent wine flying past my Harry Caray glasses and into my eye. All Rebeka saw was red flying onto the wall and me holding my eyeball and running. She thought I stabbed my eye. We both had such a good laugh.
I'm on candid camera... my whole life.
Pretty lady.
I'm a little over half way done with this piece. I've turned it in and will have it back to finish it soon.
I also had my grant proposal accepted! They are financing my 10 portrait and 3D installation. I will be doing a lecture over my research as these portraits will be a psychological study of the subjects. I will also be presenting at the 2014 Student Research Conference.
Parker went on her first camping trip w/o us. She went with her girl scout troop. I wasn't able to go, but the moms that went took some amazing photos! My hope for Parker is that she's able to grow these bonds she made, and I hope that over the years she's able to travel her path and keep her friends near and dear. This trip was really important to her, and she really loved the quality time with her school mates.
Lo' and Parker sleep together almost every night. This was nap time the other day. Ben snagged this shot while P' slept.
My o' Lady getting some vitamin D